Dag van de Dans – Trailer

For this project, This Era was commissioned to do:

Editing, Sound Design

The ‘Day of Dance’ (NL: Dag van de Dans, FR: Journée de la Danse) is an annual event in Belgium that takes place on the Saturday preceding International Dance Day, celebrated on April 29th. During this day, choreographers and dancers are highlighted, and contemporary dance is showcased at various locations across Belgium. The purpose of the ‘Day of Dance’ is to introduce the general public to the world of contemporary dance, increase awareness about it, and cultivate appreciation for this art form. It provides an opportunity to enjoy diverse dance performances and to emphasize the significance and impact of dance within the cultural context.

Yearly (since 2018), This Era is commissioned by Dag van de Dans to make a trailer for the event. Dag van de Dans collects video material from the many participating dancers, choreographers and collectives and This Era edits the footage and produces music tailored to the dynamic images and character of the organisation.

Below you’ll find a few of our personal favorites.